Shelley Christie
Independant BeautiControl Consultant
Shelley Christie
Independant BeautiControl Consultant
BeautiControl, Inc - Empowering women to create a life to love with the at-home spa.
About Me
My name is Shelley Christie, I am a 25 year old professional from Harlingen, Texas.  I am a Certified BeautiControl Independant beauty control consultant.  I am available for many types home spa parties.  

My other interest include traveling and meeting new people. If you are intersted in booking a free home spa please feel free to contact me for further info.

I’m earning extra money for myself and my family simply by having fun and pampering others through my at-home Spa ESCAPEs®. It’s so easy! I never thought of myself as a “sales person.” But BeautiControl® isn’t about “selling” … it’s about sharing our wonderful skin-care and spa products with friends and family. The minute I received my products, I shared them with family, friends and neighbors. I was amazed when I made my first sale that very same day! That’s how incredible BeautiControl products are — they sell themselves! Now, my family and I are enjoying a better lifestyle, thanks to my flexible and rewarding BeautiControl® business!

WHO Statement

BeautiControl® is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I am able to help others feel good about themselves, and help others in need through the WHO (Women Helping Others®) Foundation which nationally supports grass-roots charities serving the overlooked needs of women and children. Please contact me about any skin care, beauty or image need you might have. I look forward to helping you!